Monday, April 30, 2007

Fedora Linux! Finally!

Currently really got hooked up with Linux, especially Fedora Core 6, which I manage to grab from my just joined company. It was a good idea to start moving from WinXP -> SuSE, but is it wise to go from SuSE -> FC6? Read on.

My first impression on Fedora. Not pretty enough. SuSE manage to grab a lot easy to use modules into their Yast. End result,  Yast manage to be a good installer + configuration tools throughout SuSE. It's simple, yet was a good start for windows migrate. Fedora on the other end falls back abit. Although the Anaconda offers gui configuration, yet it's pretty limited.

Talking about installation, Fedora's yum need to get online in order to get something installed. For someone who installed Fedora on a laptop (like me) this is not a good idea since my laptop doesn't always got internet connection. SuSE on the other hand offers repo installation from the DVD itself. However, SuSE doesn't include online repo for update or patches. Odd, as most Linux distro updates via web.

Why Fedora then? A word. Stable. So far with my laptop, I used to get a lot of hanging sessions with SuSE. It sometimes hang while loading some modules, in which I couldn't really figure out where the problem lies. So far I didn't manage to *hang* my Fedora, although occasionally I manage to struck my X Windows, due to the use of Beryl effect...

Nice or not? Bottom line, quite nice. I'm trying to test server functionality on Fedora right now. So far I manage to get Bugzilla up and running (but ignoring some security issues) and hosting never been this easy before (even simpler than doing it in WinXP). I'll look further into it and maybe will share more sessions on my FC6 box.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Use your old PC

You got some old PC hanging around. Can't use the latest Vista? (surely can't use, and I don't recommend using it as well) Or even worst, can't use the worthy Win XP (Pentium 2 anyone?) Anyway, here's a good article to tune up old pc for office and personal use.

Pretty nice. I think I still got my old PII machine hanging around...

System Recycling with Xubuntu