Monday, December 18, 2006


Just read up a heat discussion over the "Internet Browser" war again. And this time, it targets Opera. Opera is a nice browser that I had been using since few years back. I believe back then it was v3, and now the latest is v9. Wow, it was really quite a long time.

I love Opera for it's nice and clean interface. Nothing too fancy, no loads of toolbars or buttons that I do not need, unlike those in IE, or sometimes even Firefox got. Opera is the first to introduce tab browsing back then, and a lot of other features intergrate with it, such as e-mail client, chat client, RSS reader, and even torrent downloading. Although I'm not using most of it's features, I do support Opera for it's fast loading and cache loading.

However, there's a few known issues with Opera. ActiveX won't work in Opera, and some other internet components (not sure the names) won't work as expected in Opera. If you read the post in SlashDot, you'll find different arguments on who to blame. For me, it was both the web developer AND the browser developer. Web developer to blame if their web test only works on one browser, which would be IE. I've seen a lot of site that's been based on IE, and it's not surprised that a lot of developer used IE as a standard. Lol, there're still a lot of other users that doesn't use IE...

For some web site that doesn't load up succesfully, Opera would be the cause. Well, even so I wouldn't blame too much for my lovely Opera. Nowadays it was known that ALL software contains bugs, be it some serious bugs, or just minor glitches. It should be the user side to decide which browser that suits them most. For example, I use Opera for most of the browsing, downloads, google searching, etc, for Opera is faster than any browser out there. But for some site that's not loaded up properly, I'll had to switch to Firefox (and occasionally IE if even Firefox can't handle the site). So far, I had little problem with this sites, which mostly are just blogging site (blogger, :p).

So, decide whichever that suits your needs. I'll vote for Opera for the speed. :p

the arguments on Slashdot


John said...

agree. i m a keen supporter of opera years back and now switched to firefox. it is still installed in my xp but seldom launch it nowadays after i discover some bug issue with it. it just lay there till now. IE still the dominant in mainstream coporate market, most corporate and banking sites is still dependant on it.

Leong said...

Well, I still use firefox, mostly when I need to access to here ( since Opera can\'t seems to handle some of the site\'s components. But yet, it is Opera\'s strength to disable some technologies that might havoc your system, activeX anyone? Although IE now still support activeX, you\'ll see that it doesn\'t even recommend opening those sites, unless you know what you\'re doing. Which is why, I normally give up the site and use Opera as primary browser.